
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

And that was the day me and bob dylan did shots of Jack..

So tired. So so tired today. I was up late blogging lastnight and didnt get to sleep till about 2:00 am which totally ruined my day. I was tired allll through the day,not even enough energy to tell my same washed up lame jokes. Tonight I decided to blog earlier so I wont be up so late.

After much consideration I have decided to drop my first hour Journalism class. According to Rose Brown at the highschool I changeup would benifit me in my class schedule. The change has completely altered my day which she says will make provide me with ambition. I dont know what the hell she was talking about so I decided to stop listening as soon as she started talking. I have to meet with her again tomorrow..maybe I'll listen this time?

Once I get my updated schedule I shall a photocopy so you my faithful can catch a glimpse of what my day is truly like. I had to meet with the 3/21/05 committe today which I found to be interesting. There are no youth on this committe,nor any teachers affected by the events of 3/21/05. Weird huh? Why do I only complain? Who can I blame for this? A youth council meeting tomorrow after school to discuss 3/21/06 will be held in the tribal HQ. I have to chair this meeting and Im pretty excited about it. I hope we can come to some agreement so I have one less thing to worry about in the next few months. I am failing 3 of my 7 classes at this moment so of course this requires my full attention. With 2 weeks left in the semester can Jimbo pull it off and remain on student council with good grades? Probably. He always does.

Lastnight the chairman loaned me some discs about self empowerment,winning arguments and a bunch of random shit from some famous lawyer. In there this lawyer spoke of an incident where Dennis Rodman was being harrased during a basketball game for his funky style. During a basketball game Dennis was guarding some big white Center dude for the supersonics, during the game the Center was calling Rodman hurtful names like faggot,cocksucker,sodomite and freak. At one point the sonicks Center asked Rodman if he was going to " Take it up the ass in the showers". Dennis being cool-headed simply replied "why you looking for someone to?". The center was furious, swinging at Rodman,throwing objects. After it was said and done the Bulls came out on top and won the NBA championship. After the game a was interviewing Rodman and said "It's obvious what he[the center for the soncis] was trying to do,he was trying to make you lose your focus and get you mad''. To this Rodman replied " Noone gets Dennis Rodman mad but Dennis Rodman!. Noone holds that power over me unless I give that power to them and allow them to abuse it. When Rodman wants to get mad,he gets mad. But ONLY by his accord. Not noone elses!" When you think about it,it really is true. Noone holds the power over you to make you mad,only you do UNLESS you give them that power. Makes perfect sense. Theres a moral somewhere..Im just not sure what it is.

My night is nearly over, just a few more Bob Dylan songs to listen to then im off to bed. I have things to do tomorrow.



  • At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    crazy shit about dennis rodman yo...........haha i laughed at that shit cuz he said u lookin for some1 to and thats good comeback haha funny stuffffffffff

  • At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    crazy shit about dennis rodman yo...........haha i laughed at that shit cuz he said u lookin for some1 to and thats good comeback haha funny stuffffffffff


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