
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

*makes a post in his blog*

Hello, Its been awhile.

How goes it yall? I've been pretty good. Over the weekend I travelled 500 miles to the state capitol of St.Paul to visit my incarcerated cousin Louis. It was the most fun I've had in a long while and it was quite relaxicating. We spoke quite a bit about the school shooting, family, and just life for both of us in general. He is to be relased very soon and when he is I will more than likely relocate to his area. While down there I realized how very very lonley I am when I do not have a computer, thus I am investing in a new laptop so I shall never be unconnected with the outside world. I win.

I got a good politics lesson from the tribal chair Floyd Jourdain, he spoke of his first thoughts about campaiging for office, his reaction to his sons arrest, his views of tribal political hawks and tribal businesses. I learned very much in my talks with him. Maybe he was just putting on a good show so I'll support him next election that is to be held in May 06', Or he was really trying to teach me something. Eitherway I'm greatful.

Remember after the shooting happend and I told everyone Louis was innocent? Yep, I was right. Shame on the people who want to see him locked up for political gain. Shame in its highest form.

Chris Dunshee is an idiot. He's an idiot who needs to get the fuck out of our school. The man does nothing but hurt childern and drive way great teachers. He has the nerve to punish family members of mine for supporting Louis Jourdain,drawing louis,speaking arabic and drawing various types of pictures. Ya know what thats called? Descrimination! Hopefully at the next school board meeting it will result in him being fired or forced to resign. He wore out his welcome when he said,and I quote, "Tradition teaches the childern nothing". That there should have earned him his pink slip. Same goes for Stewie,the man who hides from students in his office,rarely venturing out of his complex. Over the summer he too said Tradition should have no place in our school system. What are these guys thinking? I can understand a white guy saying that...but our own native blood. It's time to clean house from the top on down to our crackhead security guards.The system at Red Lake is a joke,but I love it dearly.

Anyways enough of my harping, I'm off to bed as I have a date with Ms. Ensign in first hour tomorrow. Yay School!



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