
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I realized that all the cool blogs have intro posts by the bloggers. I have decided that being mainstream pays off in the long and I will make a post about me.

Hello, My name is James William King Jr. I am 16 years of age. I was born some time in August in Red Lake, Minnesota to James William King Sr. and Rebbecca Sue Jourdain. I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters. I am more or less the middle child,so I always get the bad end of everything. All of my life I have been a lazy kid. I'll take the way out that requires the least amount of work, I enjoy long walks to the kitchen for food, and trips to the bathroom to excrete that food. I enjoy all types of music, mainly folk rock. The number one inspiration in my life are my parents. They're not always the best parents, but they try and they do a good job of being parents. I give them a B+.

I have 3 close friends and 2 closer family members. You'll very rarely see me anywhere without these guys. My friends are Thomas Barrett, Emilio Mendoza and Terrance Kingbird. Terrance is short and has a big head,he is funny. My two family members are my cousins Clayton Smith and Louis Jourdain. Growing up would of been...pointless without these guys. The two most important things in life are family and friends. Not money,not your job,not your car. Not even me. Tom and Emilio are 2 of the smartest guys I know, since we were little noobers in 6th grade I have always wanted to be smarter than tom. Sometimes I am,sometimes not. I have always wanted facial hair like Emilio, He was growing a stache' in 5th grade which I think is a bit creepy. They [Tom and Emilio] have always pushed me to push myself beyond what I thought I was capable of. Yeah..they rock. Terrance is funny. Clayton and Louis have always been there for me. No matter what the situation. When things were bad, they were there. When we lost Janelle they were there. I could not ask for better companions than what I have now.

I am a conservative democrat. I am very liberal on social issues such as gay rights and abortion while I tend to be very conservative on fiscal issues. I have a general dislike of all organized religion, especially people like Pat Robertson. The idea of God is sort of creepy to me. I was baptized a catholic in the year 2000, I'm sure it is something I will regret for a while to come. I do believe in a supreme being, just not the bibles variation of God. Plus I'm too lazy to practice any type of religious faith.

I am the chairman of the Red Lake Nation Youth Council,Editor-in-chief of RL Times, Co-President of the RLHS Student Council and leader of my own street gang, the "West End RydaZ". There are currently no other members in my gang,but were growing. Our color is teal. I hope Mr.Dunshee doesn't read this and spit all over me while trying to convince himself he knows what is best for the students at RLHS. I am a strict Constitutional Constructionist. I believe the federal government should only work to offer what it promises in the constitution, not search my library records because some brown guy in the middle east is saying death to America. Life,Liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Not taking all of my damn tax money to pay for those who refuse to work. My body,my time spent, my money. I'm greedy..so what?

I live on an Indian reservation in northern Minnesota named "The Red Lake Nation Of Ojibwe Indians''. Its basically where the guv'ment put all of us brown people so we would stay out of white culture way back in the day. Sometimes I want to be a million miles away from here, sometimes I want to be nowhere but here. There is nothing to do most of the time here, although the Youth Council is working on changing that. Our Tribal council is full of nothing but power hungry,money hungry members who are out for nothing but their own agendas and to get their family members Jobs.

I've always dreamed of being on the Tribal Council, I feel the tribal constitution needs reworking in the way of limiting the power of the executive branch and giving more power to the judiciary. The reservation would be a better place if only we had an effective court system. With the recent firing of second police chief in 4 months, I doubt this will happen in my youth. Just more problems my parents generation left for mine to fix..or make worse.

I have covered my religious values,my political beliefs,my dream(s), my hometown and my credentials. If you have any questions feel free to email me at tard.james@gmail.com

Yep, there is me.



  • At 4:51 AM, Blogger Leon said…

    Good introduction. you could link to this in your sidebar as "About Me". At Firemind I wanted to be anonymous so my introduction came in bits and pieces.

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  • At 12:21 PM, Blogger jKing said…

    Thanks for the comment,im working on that now

  • At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice James, nice. I almost found inspiration in that.

  • At 1:20 PM, Blogger existentialwarrior said…



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