
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Friday, July 14, 2006

1984 or Bust

Hello, I'm having a not so hot night so I figured I'd visit my blog. How are you? I'm doin okay. Been better, but I'm okay.

Five years ago today my best friend passed away. At 8:46 p.m I recieved the news that would forever change my life and haunt me for the rest of my days. At 8:46 tonight there were no tears,no hugs,no panic. Just..food. I attempted to go out and visit friends tonight but that didnt go over so well. About 20mins into the visit I asked for a ride home,and of course they did not take that so well. I wanted to tell them exactly how I felt,but that would of been innapropriate(spell check). At 8:47 I felt a sense of relief knowing that I'm okay, and just sighed.

Janelle, my baby, I love you. Please know I'm doing my best to make you proud, and doing my damn best to make sure everything comes out alright for everyone else.

I'll start posting more and more,everyday hopefully.
If you dont like what I have to say then please dont read it. Noones making you.



  • At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Glad to hear that you will be posting more..WTG James

  • At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Glad to hear you will be posting more James..I look forward to reading your posts..


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