
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I'm so sick :(

Hello again reader, I am very sick. Very,very sick.

Since Thursday night when I recieved my first kiss from my Girl(who had a cold) I have been coughing ever since. I missed two days of school due to my cold, I spose thats a good thing because school is lame. It's been awhile since my last post,sorry to keep you waiting for so long. I know my blog is so very interesting and my words are so very captivating..yeah right :)

Today I travvled 30 miles through white out conditions to see the Red Lake Warriors get owned by the Clearbrook-Gonvick bears. I drove Tom Barretts car down which has no breaks and bald tires. Needless to say I drove at least 20 mph all the way there. It was fun, I talked to Jody from the archives and Terry Collins from the Star Tribune. The game proved to be fruitless for the players and was seemingly dully for most of the spectators. But it was fun nonetheless.

The newspaper which I manage is due out by next Tuesday, If you live in the Red Lake area I'm sure you have seen the first two issues(which rocked by the way) around town. Look for it in your mailboxes in the coming week, but If you want a copy mailed to you, send me an email with your named and address and I'll get you one before they're all gone. RL Times is a publication of the students of Red Lake High School.

As most of you are aware, tribal election season 2006 is fast approaching. Of course this means mud slinging to the max, backstabbing,political favors and vote buying. I'm hoping to interview all the candidates. Of course I'll be as tough as can be with questions such as: "what have you done for the youth during your last term" for the incumbents and "What are your plans to change the current state of the tribe,and how will you perform your plan to make it work". I'd ask the more senior council members questions such as "during your so many years as tribal rep. what have you done to help the youth in their struggle against drug addiction, and what are your plans to increase the number of well paying jobs on the reservation". It will prove to be an interesting year, Will Chairman Jourdain be elected to his first full term? will Treasurer Seki hold on to his seat? A year or so ago I asked Sec. Roy if she plans to run in the 06 elections to which she replied "no". If she still plans to call it quits this year, the council will change dramatically. A powerfull position held by an even more powerful lady, what an event it will be in the election of a new secretary.

In other news, I've decided that I need to stay on top of my school work this quarter so it doesnt end up like the last..which was hectic and riddled with bomb threats at the end of the quarter that totally fucked me up.

If you have any spare time check out http://www.rlnn.com/phpbullitenbrd/ for some insightful community oriented dialogue, but beware it may get a bit heated at times.

I am tired,



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