
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Sunday, September 24, 2006

School+Work+Computergames = No time for Mr.Bloggy

Hello, anyone still there? Great. I knew you'd never abandon me as I have all but abandoned my blog. I've been so caught up in this living healthy, good grades,working hard bullshit that I haven't had time to write down my thoughts. But now that Warrior Down is officially over, I have some time in the evenings to write,read and listen to music.

First off, I dislike republicans. Secondly, I dislike religion pushers and religious fanatics. Yanno,the kind that blow them selves up in busses, or condemn you to hell if you do not attend church and listen to another man pray for you. Now that I got that off of my chest, I'd like to welcome you back to what should(hopefully) be an interesting time in my life. I am 4 credits away from graduation from highschool,working harder than ever,making new friends, being active in the community and being a big brother again. Now that I have my life in order I'd like to get back to posting regularly. I'll still post my political rhetoric, possibly some of my writings, my ideas for world peace, my ideas for tribal unity, my ideas on drug use and other things I preach to my friends about in school.

Meh, new tribal government. Nothing spectacular, all going as expected sofar, and how did I expect it to go? Thanks for asking!
Campaign hard/Make Promises/ Do nothing to help the populace/Rinse and repeat.
Feuern Sie mich! As of now, I announce my candidacy in the 2018 chairmanship election. It's official folks, I'm running. Over the next twelve(12) years I will be campaigning hard everyday, shaking babies, kissing hands(isn't it the other way around?) and building a strong base of support among people my age.

I will then be 29 year old man, with two college degrees and about 9 kids. So, if you would like a job in the King camp, let me know. There is a lot of work to be done in our fight against nepotism,drug abuse, the invasion of street gangs, racism(at home and abroad), and other threats to our sovereign status. Email me at tard.james@gmail.com if you're interested in defeating tribal fascism, and working on my campaign. I'd love to hear your comments, whether they be negative or positive, if you want to say "Go fuck yourself King" or "right on,brother!" I really want to hear em.

If you are a celebrity,or other famous(tribal are foreign) that wishes to endorse me, email me also!

Being a senior in highschool isn't what it's made up to be. I have something like..4 months left till I graduate from highschool(forever!) thus freeing me to ride snowmobile all day,icefishing without a care in the world till I start college. I'm not fully sure on what to do in college. Political Science is certain, but I also want to teach Highschool English. Not the grammar type English, something a bit more thought invoking such as a literature class. The new craze around the reservation among us progressive types is aspiring to be highschool teachers, which is totally awesome because people at my current age will see an example of the famous quote "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi. Words to live by,yes indeed.

My little brother is 16 months old now, into everything he can get his hands on. Spilling soda on my carpet, trying to kill the bird,hitting my mom with solid objects. It's fun to see him grow up, makes me want kids later in life.

If you are from the tribal government, feel free to take any of my ideas and make them your own. If I figure out how to solve the crack/meth problem, take em and run with it. I'll be posting my ideas about it in the next two weeks, so stay tuned!

Hey James, get off of your high horse! You do drugs just as much as anyone else! I received an email saying that a few weeks back, and I could only respond with " working at warrior down for 8 months, a chemical health program mind you, proves you wrong. If you would like the full email, let me know and I'll get you a copy.

I applied for Americorps, was accepted, but after much consideration I've since chose to decline the job offer. Returning to the Nursing Home for my last year as a highschool student will hopefully teach me to humble,patient,accepting and ready for anything. I know for sure I'll learn much more working there(again) than I will working for any other program.

I sure am glad that I posted tonight, I hope someone reads it. lol



  • At 10:33 PM, Blogger Jonny R. said…

    It's about time, fucker! Nobody wants to put their own thoughts on their blogs or MySpaces... but they sure do ask "What's good?" and say "peep my track" and "holla" a lot. Anyway, right on, brother... go do stuff to yourself, King! Or was that supposed to be in an email?


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