
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Sunday, August 07, 2005



Today was pretty cool. My morning consisted of waking up,eating, and playing Knights of the Old Republic 2. Around 12 I get a call from Tommy B and Blars telling me were going swimming. On the way to the cutoff(a popular beach where im from) we picked up Ashley Laj. It ended up being tons of fun..;)
Ive decided that im really sick of being preached at, so from now on anyone who preaches to me will be blocked/ignored all together. Today ive been told repeadtly that I am a hater. Im a hater for saying what I think? For doing what I think is right? If so,then yes,I am infact a hater. While im on the subject of haters,I stopped by a friend of mines house today and spoke with her and her mother, while there another friend of mine sat on the couch and ignored me completely. What a bitch. Fuck Her. I dont need her. I know who my friends are and are not.
I started writing this at 12:30 but it is now 1:20 and im out of things to write,ill finish my night with hours and hours more of Knights of the old republic.



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