
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Monday, September 05, 2005

An Entire Convoy!

Hey again,

Its been a few days since ive last updated I feel the need to make a post.
Lets recap todays events

  1. Woke up(12:00 am)
  2. Ate(12:10 pm)
  3. Sat down at my computer(12:30 pm)
  4. Tom and Rod came by(7:00 pm)

Up untill even number 4 my day was pretty slow,the occasional phone call,some snacking ect. I was informed that we were going to the pow wow,which I was at first against because I hadnt showered in a day. After fucking around with Rod's airsoft gun the guys convinced me to clean my sexy ass up and tag along with them. It was a good shower,I even attempted to style my hair and made it look halfway decent. We left my place about 7:20 and headed east. We got to ACTR(across the river) Tom being the genius he is decided that it was best not to go to the pow wow because we're all broke and he didnt want to pay for anymore gas. At this time Tom recieved a phone call from Kel St.Germaine requesting that we go get her. So we went to her house. I went into Kel's house,sat down and talked to Kel bASSwood about her going away to school in Riverside,California. She seems overall excited but to be realistic I give her 6 months then she'll be back home.
When the group( Rod,Tom,Kel S,Kel B and myself) decided to leave kels house I went outside to start the car. I turned the key and nothing happend. After trying EVERYTHING(such as kicking the motor and pressing the gas peddle) Rod saves the day and uses the magic touch that Wiph taught him back in the day to get the car started. After riding back and forth in Redby for a long time we went to the Cliffs and watched the weather for a bit we heard Emergency vehicle sirens off to the distance to the west. Immeidetly we hopped in Toms peice and drove to the main road across the old jail and saw an ENTIRE CONVOY heading east! This convoy had 3 Conservation trucks,2 squad cars,1 C.I and one ambulance! Like clockwork Rod and I called our parents to see what was going on. My mother said someone was being shot at in Barton's camp and Rods mother,Lisa, said the elusive black panther was spotted in Walking Shiled. After listening to tom complain and worry we decided to head east and follow the commotion. Now for those of you who know Tom as well as I do you will know any situation that has the possibility of being dangerous hes against. The group begged and begged him to take us to bartons,so he finally said yes. Upon arriving in bartons we were dissapointed by the lack of sirens,overall the lack of life.
We then headed east twords Redby from Bartons to see if we would meet any squad cars but to no avail. Right when we went passed the Redby Ball Feilds my dad calls and says the words our family knows him most by "Dont you have enough FUCKING sense to get home!?" I assure him that I'm on my way and inform the guys I am required at home. Being as we were right in kels neighborhood we drop her off first. On the way home going West on highway one I stick my hand out the window and feel the cold rain stinging my hands as it makes impact. I tell tom to roll up the window because as Toms car is a rez car,which means limitied functionality. It starts to rain and rain and rain harder. After about 3 mins its a allout downpour. Then Tom starts to worry again. I inform him that he could keep us safe by driving 5 MPH slower as he was going about 50 swerving all over the damn road. Needless to say we make it home and it quits raining.
In other news I am looking for A used Digital Camera to make my blog more interesting,Email me at tard.james@gmail.com if you have an offer for me.

Untill again,
