
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Yo, I'm going to graduate in a few months.

I've been awaiting the moment of graduation since I was 14 years old, and it's now only a few months away. Angsty? You betcha!

I've informed the parents I will not partake in the consumption of alcohol during my party for the following reasons:

  1. Drama
  2. Fights
  3. Puke
  4. Divorces
  5. Crying drags
Maybe I'm too pessimistic? But,nothing good has ever come out of drinking. The times i've tried it I went to bed feeling stupid and crappy, and woke up feeling stupid and crappy. I fear I may be obligated to drink, because my party will be held in conjunction with Tom Barret's party, and Cartera Harts. Meh, We'll see once may comes

Jim Sr said it best the other day when I had informed him of my decision to stay sober by saying "That type of life is disgusting." Did I word that correctly?

If you would like to come to my graduation party,just come. I'm not sure where it will be held yet but I'll be sure to post the location,time ect. It will be fun.

I'm going to college to become a High school teacher. I'm going to teach Highschool English..or else I'll go to college to be a video game designer. Only two things I've ever had interest in. When I tell people my plans,they laugh. Surely you can do something that will pay alot more, they ask. The Answer is yes, and also no. The way I see it is, working for money is the same as working for payment by way of knowning you're influencing the next generation of Tribal Leaders..and to me..the fact that you're changing the future byfar outweighs the monitary reward of another profession. Commie? Maybe. Stupid? Probably. Happy? Very. Content? Without one doubt in my mind.

Buck has been chairman for a little over two months now. I feel he has earned his right to prove himself as a leader. Ok....go!

Anyone remember the RLNN forum? It is where I recieved most of my recognition as a writer. As I wrote more and more, the forum disabled the part of my posts that displayed my blog website and URL. Coincidence? I doubt it. ..I'm on to you Red Lake Nation Government..I'm on to you! All joking aside, I've been thinking about opening my own Tribal Forum, for gossip purposes of course. The women at Family and Childern Services need something to talk about during the day, and who better to give them something than me?!

I'm too lazy to spell check, so fuck you grammer police,I have school in the morning and I want some eggs.
If I have offended you in anyway,please go cry in a corner. I've tried so hard to not get my family members fired and blacklisted, even censoring my own thoughts. If you have a complaint, please do not hesitate to email me at tard.james@gmail.com. If you dont like what I have to say then by all means,hit the little red "X" at the top righthand corner. The US constitution(which the tribal government tells me does not take effect in redlake, but thats a whole differnt story) garuntees basic freedoms, but there is one undocumented freedom,that is often taken for granted, toyed with my the media, and fucked with by advertising, and that is freedom of thought.



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