
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Deepest Blues Are Back!


For some reason I cant quit smiling, Im strangly happy for a tuesday afternoon. Its a bit freaky actually. Maybe its because I fixed my computer? Maybe its because my adversaries are being humiliated? Maybe its because I wrote about 3 pages of thoughts yesterday and mailed them to my cousin and saying things I needed to say to certain people. Who knows, I sure dont.

School is boring like always. The teachers are dull,boring,crabby,hateful,annoying,stupid,uptight pricks and complete bitches. I think I have a word for every hour of the day,oh joy. Maybe I can find some sort of online highschool that gives me more time to research and gain knowledge about things I care about. I guess I can put up with the bullshit a few more months. I know my senior year im out of here. I returned to RLHS to be with my friends,help em through things if need be. What a humanitarian I am,eh? Can you guess? Yep,a mistake made by me.

Apathy is the word used by the teachers to describe my current state..

One entry found for apathy.

Main Entry: ap·a·thy
Pronunciation: 'a-p&-thE
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek apatheia, from apathEs without feeling, from a- + pathos emotion -- more at PATHOS
1 : lack of feeling or emotion : IMPASSIVENESS
2 : lack of interest or concern : INDIFFERENCE

Yeah,apathy is the word.

Darth Kreia of the star wars books once said Apathy is death,but so is everything else. Yanno?

As far as anything else, nothing else is happening. A few meetings that will accomplish nothing are to be held this week. Hopefully the newspaper layout meeting will give me some much needed enthusiasm. Who knows.

Today will bring nothing new,so im going play counter-strike.



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