
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Free Cartera!

First off id like to dedicate this post to the coolest person ever, Cartera Winter Hart/Graves.

Over the weekend cartera was arrested and wrongly imprisoned for false phony charges brought upon her by a false phoney tribal government and enforced by a false and corrupt tribal judicial system. I call on everyone to REJECT tribal law enforcement scare tactics and stand up for what is right. REJECT false imprisonment. and REJECT the curfew law that binds us to our homes at night with nothing more to do than consume illegal substances. This is not a case of juvinile delinquency,its a case of failure by the tribal government to assist us by giving us the resources nessicary to achive our full potential and give us stuff to do!.

Shame on Tribal Government!
Shame on the corrupt court system!
Shame on the law enforcement for making their own laws!

Free Cartera!

(cartera is on the left and Alyssa Roy is on the right)

(this may not be republished without the authors consent)


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