
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

All Falls Down

Today I shall rant, I havent ranted anywhere in a long while so I figure its best to do it here. I am pretty tired so excuse and grammer errors.

I guess the song Slow down Ghandi by Sage Francis inspired this in a way,but the subject relates in no way to the topic

the topic is...


I'm not gonna talk about censoring television and what's appropriate and stuff, I'm gonna talk about why it's so...uninteresting.

If anyone has seen my thread on the 90's decade, then they know about the excellent quality of shows that came out in those days. Stuff like Fresh Prince, Martin, Steve Harvey, All That, and so on. Stuff that was extremely popular and extremely likable. Then we went into the new decade and everything just disappeared without a trace. Sad, huh?

Shows today are nothing like the ones back then. See, let's start with sitcoms. Back then shows like say, Fresh Prince, were actually funny and original with all the short jokes and fat jokes and stuff. Nowadays, sitcoms aren't all that LOL and keep relying on the same sexual jokes day after day after, talking about some male and female parts and someone being gay. There are ways to be funny without talking about someone's sexuality and boobs, and it's kinda predictable and boring and not original. A good sitcom is one where you can watch it like 8 times and laugh at the exact same joke like you just heard it, which the producers have clearly run out of.

Then there's the reality TV crap. While there are a select few reality shows that I like America's Next Top Model, for one, now there's just way too many of them out there, and they're about some dumb stuff as well. I mean, take the show "For Love or Money" for example: it puts one lucky guy or girl in this house with about 10 or so other people of the opposite sex that they try to marry, but in the end the select person has to choose between a million dollars or true love with the other person. Now first of all, it can be fairly obvious what the person will pick and second, if the guy or girl picks the money, then the other person not only has their feelings drastically hurt but they are also publicly humiliated on public television where everybody who's watching can see it. Then there are times when the video of the hurt person is shown repeatedly, which has to be bad for them. When it comes to relationships, playing with people's feelings is something you just don't do: it's about as low as one can get.

So in conclusion, television has gone down a horrible road and what's worse are that people these days are calling it the "greatest thing that's happen to entertainment," and are praising it. My God, if it weren't for new and semi-new shows like Family Guy, Rome, Bill Maher, That 70's Show, and The Simpsons (ah yes, the Simpsons, who could forget them?), then I'd stop watching television, period.

Anyways its time to play css and eat.



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