
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I dont wanna go it alone


U2 is a great band,I like em alot. It was payday today so I finally purchased a new game. Civ4 looks fun, a real time killer yanno? I dont know I keep asking questions to in this blog deal-io. Tonight whats left of my family went had dinner at the great wall. Despite me being deathly ill I managed to keep down a few food items. On the drive down to Bemidji the subject came up of School. They asked how I was doing,I lied to them and told them I was doing fine. They asked how I liked it,I sort of lied to them and said Im enjoying it, I just wish there were some way to not have to deal with the crappy politics of school at RLHS and just go there. Maybe I just dont like it because Im so fucking lazy? Oh well,I blame society for what ever's wrong with me. Everyone else does.

School was interesting today, I was hyped for the news paper meeting today..hell I even made it to school by 8:15 to find out the teacher is MIA. The class was worried that she lost control of her car,crashed and turned into a giant fireball so I called her and left her 45 messages about nothing. I left after realizing that it was pointless to be there. When I got home I got a front row seat to two of my older siblings arguing,pushing and shoving. I figured I'd rather be at school then put up with their shit. Plus I had to ask Mr.Brown questions about income tax and consititutional law. I skipped the rest of the day in his class untill 5th hour when I was called for a student goverment meeting. We didnt accomplish much,but set a few dates for future events which sound like they will do some good for the community. 6th hour wasnt a drag like it usually is,we discussed news stories that would do the RL Times(which im editor in chief of,new issue in a week or so,contact me if you want a copy its going to be Rawkish!) some good. We talked about how backwards the admin of our district is and other incriminating topics which shall not be discussed here.

I think I may have offended one of my favorite teachers in my last post so here I shall redeem myself and kiss a little ass.

Amy Ensign is my 1st hour Journalism teacher. She is funny,nice and beautiful. You can hear her laugh from 10 miles away. She is very dedicated to what she does and has every bit of my respect. This past spring Amy was student teaching here in Red Lake when the events of 3/21 unfolded. She was not paid a dime for the time she spent. And she came back.The world needs more people like her and less people like me. She is the type of person that sets high goals and reaches them no matter what.

My teacher of the year award goes to Amy,because she doesnt suck like the rest of my teachers.

here is Amy on the left with some chick I dont know

Rawk on.

Incase the chick who's site I raped and pillaged for pictures gets mad,Ill give you a shout.

Does anyone know if plagerism laws apply to the internet?


woot,now I wont get sued.

For an editor of a newspaper I sure to murder the english language. English was hardly rarely never my strong point. Is that a triple negative. does that mean it still holds its intent of being engish was never my strong point?

Look at it this way, If a double negative makes it a positive, does that extra negative make it a positive again? Holy shit I think I just made a law of english.

Anyways, I have 1 year,8 months,2 days,1 hour,35 mins and 35 seconds untill I am 18 years old. I am so bored, I need a bad habbit like Heroin or Alcoholism. I almost forgot, I have civ4.

I love you blog.



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