
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Holy shit..


It has been a little under a month since my last post. As some of you know I have been very busy with work. The past month i've actually had something to do other than blog so I've neglected to keep ya'll informed about my daily happenings and I apologize, I know how interesting I am(not).

Election season is starting up, with the candidates filing for election and readying their base it will prove once again to be a VERY interesting election. If you've read any newspaper or stopped by the RLNN FORUM you know that Judy Roy has decided to run for tribal chairwoman. Despite my earlier posting about how she thought she was retiring, she has decided to go for the top job, and I wish her the best of luck. It's safe to say she is one of if not the most intelligent people I have ever met. She has her work cut out for her, seeing as how the incumbent chair won the last election with the most votes ever cast in a Red Lake election.

With Ms. Roy filing as a Chairman candidate, this means the secretary seat is open for the first time in something like 8 years. Close friends and family have informed me that Jimmy White(the ex-redlake rep) is going to give a shot at the secretary seat, also Preston Graves(former Redby rep) is running, and still no word if Jody Beaulieu(Tribal Archives and school board member) is running. She has tryed in years past, and I sure hope she does.

Enough of the damned politics,eh? If you're in the redlake area(within 2 miles of the school) tune your FM radios into 94.1 KMOD everday from 9:30 to 10:10. My show, The Breakfast Burrito, airs every friday at said time. The BB(breakfast burrito) staff consists of Tom Barrett Jr, Mac Auginash and myself. We cover anything from the latest RLHS Warrior game to video game addiction. This weeks show will have a special guest, Tom Barrett Sr to give us a recap and walkthrough on the planning and happenings of the 1979 revolt here on the reservation. It's going to be great, so dont miss it.

The RL Times will be out nextweek, again, email me if you would like a copy.

I have some homework, so this is where i'll end it...94.1 KMOD
