
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Something of disgust

Hey there, I decided to post after reading today's Bemidji Pioneer.

today's pioneer speaks of Mike Barrett,(http://www.barrettforcongress06.com/) a republican who is running on the platform of stealing our lake. He cites a 1926 court case in which the federal government sided with the State of Montana in declaring the lake bed belongs to the state. I dare say that Mr.Barrett should probably read the treaties that were signed by our chiefs and his forefathers, in which the chiefs make damn sure the lake(or storehouse as the chiefs called it because of the abundance of food) belonged to the people of Red Lake.

He dares to challenge the ownership of some of the true Indian land left in The United States of America, against some of the most resilient and strongest people the U.S has ever seen? With Buck,Jody and a slew of others newly elected to the tribal council you have my word that this republican WILL not win. As we as a tribe regain a sense of normality it is time to unite as a tribe and fight these foreign aggressors with every resource we have.

As I was reading the letter in the pioneer I could not help the great urge to contact this man via telephone,but he does not list a number on his website. He says he is against total government control,and rights for the people yet he does not leave a number so said people could talk to him.
My guess? More republican bullshit. With pResident bush dragging the country into more wars that the military cannot handle, it is becoming more obvious that the party of Ronald Reagan has been hijacked by nut jobs who wish to conceal the truth by turning away from the true issues that face our nation.

When November rolls around, I urge every proud Red Laker to get out and vote Democrat.
We helped defeat the asshole from Bagley last time around and we can do it again. Please,get out and vote.

I put my faith in the council, they have their work cut out for them. Republicans knocking on our door,the drug problem growing larger and more than half of the tribal membership unemployed they truly have it cut out for them.

(P.S could the state take maintain the lake as well as we have? I think not.
