
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Im A User And A Loser so I Dont Need No Accuser..


As I sit and listen to Greendays "When I Come Around" I wish Greenday hadn't sold out. I mean what the fuck,they used to make such good music..untill american idiot. Recently when Greenday frontman Billie Joe was asked if every republican was an american idiot he responded with "well uhh..hmm...yes and no" and offered nothing more. Leave politics to the professionals,or atleast an informed punk band.
A few days back me and a friend set up a litte trap for a kid. In this trap we faked a fight in which I spewed off random names of girls I like. Needless to say everything I said the kid twisted and told everyone a completely differnt story. Ive decided that only the people I like will know I like them,not some gossiping drama queen 10 year old.
I beat Knigts of the Old Republic earlier,ending a 30 hour gaming binge so now Im filled with free time. Im going to check out some more games and listen to real greenday music now..



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