
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Its beautiful I would say, I wouldn't have it any other way

Judge me baby,please do. Im listening to op ivy pretty tired right now..just got bitched out sorta by Ashlee. I guess you can say I was waiting for it though. Getting pictures taken with josh sucks hardcore,as soon as we sat down he started to cry,and he cried some more,and some more. And then he turned purple so we quit and went home.LoL. I guess my mom was a little bummed,but its all good. Who needs overpriced crappy pictures anyways? I've been sleeping alot lately I dont know why,its like 16 hours a day. Is this healthy? Rose leaves for college today. Its going to suck cuz I miss her enough as it is. School starts for me next thursday and im really excited about going back to rlhs. Yes I know,I know everyone will miss me from Trek.Of course. My farts smell really bad and I dont know why. Anyways im tired and I need 16 hours of sleep so im out galz and guys.

Im a loser baby,so why dont ya kill me?



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