
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Friday, December 30, 2005

Life is a great thing

I dont know how to feel today. These pictures sure do pick me up though.

I dont know what this is called

I've never been more disgusted in my entire life.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

An E-mail forward

Yea… im so bored right now…

1)Full name-James William King Jr.

2) Where were you born- Red Lake,MN

3) Do you have any siblings- Yes, 4 brothers,3 sisters

4) Describe yourself in one word- Lazy

5) Have you ever been in love- No

6) Who would you say knows you the best- My dad

7) What grades do you get- C's

8) Do you believe in god- I dont know

9) Are you liberal or conservative- Liberal on some issues,conservative on others

10) Who is the most influential person in your life- the Parents

11) If you had to be stranded on a deserted island with three people, who would they be and why- Clay,Tom and Terrance

12) What kind of music do you listen to- Anything under the sun

13) What would you want people to remember you for after you die- The dude who had a bunch of kids,worked hard all his life and he who gave more than he could afford.

14) Where do you see yourself 10 years from now-Teaching a college history class

15) What is the first thing you notice on someone- ones demeanor

16) Do you have any regrets- Yes.

17) Do you drink-no,waste of money

18) Do you do any drugs- No

19) What inspires you- people overcoming adversity

20) How do you feel about abortion- It stops a beating heart,ends a life to be, ends a childs chance at life. Brutal. Barbaric. Morally wrong.

21) If there was one thing you could fix about the world what would it be- Intolerance for others

22) What do you plan on doing when you grow up- Having a family

23) What do you like about yourself- I’m a no-bullshit type of guy. I refuse to take no for an answer. I have an IQ of 126.

24) What don't you like about yourself- I’m blunt, honest, oblivious, lazy, and I dont worry as much as I should

25) Do you write songs- Yeah, with the former band mates*SDM*

26) Do you have any pets- 2 dogs and a bird

27) Which would you rather be and why a)rich b)smart c) good-looking d) talented- none. I’m happy as I am.

28) Do you believe in love at first sight- yes…

29) Favorite fruit- Apples

30) Last movie you cried at- Never cried in a movie. Was really sad at Starwars Episode 3 for reasons other than the movie

31) Do you play any sports- Me?Sports?HA!

32) Favorite ice-cream- Strawberrie Cheesecake

33) Favorite Restaurant- The chinese buffet in town

34) Favorite foreign destination- China

35) Favorite T.V. show- Rome<3

36) Where do you plan on going to college- UCLA...yeah right

37) Do you believe in pre-marital sex- Yes. It happens

38) Favorite quote- They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

39) Do you take yourself seriously- Sometimes



Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Give me money.

There ya have it. I am currently raising money online to pay for my computer. There has been a grand total of 40 USD donated today. Only $941 to go!


Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas my faithful.

I woke up hungry so I constructed the perfect Peanut butter and Jelly sammich. I thought I'd stop by blogger and wish everyone a merry christmas.

bedtime again


Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas and Happy George Strait Day!


I am currently attempting to format the hard drive of my old Compaq Presario 5000. I have been working on it for a few hours and now it is attempting yet another system restore set to 10/1/03.

Here is the peice of shit. I hate this thing more than I hate that guy from Happy Days.

Here is a closer look at the machine. Notice the lack of RAM and no video card.

Here is a distraught Jimbo. Notice the crazy eyes. His eyes went crazy because the machine will not boot properly and will not finish a fucking system restore.

The computer is currently doing a cluster check. It has currently checked 15,000 clusters of 1,124,000 clusters. Im going to be up late tonight. And what do you know. Just before christmas.

Anyways,Im off.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Black Friday Rule

(that means cartera was here)

Hello again my faithful.

Today was a day of counter strike and babysitting. Since my sister cannot handle Josh and our old babysitter fell off the wagon,so to speak I was elevated to the post of part time babysitter. The pay isnt bad,its enough to get me food from the casino and thats all that really matters in life. Jay Leno is the funniest man alive and this everyone knows to be true. I could laugh at his jokes for days and days. I have nothing to talk about tonight,maybe because I'm in love with Jay Leno's chin? Anyways tomorrow is newspaper day so I have to go to school. Im out.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

You are a

Social Liberal
(86% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(30% permissive)

You are best described as a:

Strong Democrat

Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

We Do It All Because We Have To Not Because We Know Why!


I just woke up from a 5 hour nap. For some reason everday after school I'm exhausted and I do no physical activity during the school day. Maybe I have something cool like BirdFlu?. I really hate it when girls tell me about their relationships. I dont like the responsibility of knowing their boyfriend beats them when they attempt to leave. I dont like the responsibility of knowing there is nothing I can do about it. I hate knowing if I was her boyfriend it would all be differnt. It sucks. She deserves better, and we both know it. But what can ya do..

I want to indent everything. But I dont think its proper to indent in something such as this? Hopefully one of the few teachers that read this thing will enlighten me in the ways of proper blog etiquette. If you are a teacher and know if I should indent or not email me at tard.james@gmail.com.

I took a picture of my little buddy Joshua a few days back and I just uploaded.
Hes so cute and awesome! He should be in movies.
I think I'll be hanging out with him tomorrow and ditching school for a day. Id much rather listen to him whine opposed to listening to Ms.Nelson sow sorrow into each one of her lessons.

The paper comes out in 2 days, a few members of the Newspaper staff set everything up and got it ready during 6th and 7th hour and It looks GREAT! There is some pizza that is waiting for me in the kitchen.


Ummah Get Mah Drank Awn!


After a few weeks of trying to figure out why I couldnt add videos to my fifth gen ipod video I came across a website that said I needed quicktime pro. Now being a logical person I would NEVER pay for a program that could be easily downloaded. I <3 bittorrent so much. I have downloaded 20 albums over the past 3 days and am currently downloading Photoshop CS2.
If you want to be enlightend, go to www.torrentspy.com and download. Be nice and seed your downloads :)

I got hired for my new job today, I was worried about the drug test but was relieved to find out we wont be tested for another few weeks. *sigh of relief* Uhh,its almost christmas! Time for partys,food and lazyness. Thursday Clay is coming over to LAN Civ4,that will be lots of fun.

Anyone know what a person is called when you can argue an athiest point of view,but are not an athiest? The reason I ask is today Mr.Brown and I got into a huge debate about god,church, jesus christ and the spirit world. I did quite well and surprised myself. Maybe I'll look a little deeper into this subject.

Anyways my ipod finished updating and its past my bed time.

RL Times is due out on thursday, we are a day behind cut us some slack,its going to RawK!


Sunday, December 18, 2005

Everyones a narcissist!


Now that I have time on my hands I can update my blog!

Today was alright. I am content with the lack of activity in my life.

Today consisted of :

1. Food
2. TV
3. Computer

Sound a little familiar?
Bingo,my life consists of:

1. Food
2. TV
3. Computer

Woot,I have nothing happening! The RL Times second edition is due on this week which I am very excited for,its going to be 1000 times better than the first edition,I promise. After talking to a very special friend of mine this past weekend we pin-pointed why I have been overwhelmed with apathy. The answer came from a dude named maslow.

For those of you who are not familiar with Maslow,and his pyramid I have included a link at the bottom.

According to her, I need Self-actualization.


Self-actualization (a term originated by Kurt Goldstein) is the instinctual need of a human to make the most of their unique abilities. Maslow described it as follows:

Self Actualization is the intrinsic growth of what is already in the organism, or more accurately, of what the organism is. (Psychological Review, 1949)
A musician must make music, the artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be. This need we may call self-actualisation. (Motivation and Personality, 1954.)
And this leaves me exactly where I started. What the hell do I do with myself? There are things I do that I put time and effort into,but I dont actually care about. How long untill I find the field that suits me best? I dont know. I will be satisfied if I do not climb any higher on maslows pyramid. I have food,shelter and love, which means I'll survive.

I visited my brother in treatment today, It was shocking to say the least. Here he is,couped up in this old building surrouned by others like himself. I hate for him to be there. I wanted to bring him home with me. But its best that he stay there and complete the treatment program,regardless if it works or not. Alcoholism runs rampant in my family, I only hope my casual drinking will not turn into something more serious and put me in a situation like my brother. I played Chess with Joe(my brother) during my visit to the facility. Here he is,a recovering alcoholic who hasnt had a drink in a week or so, hasnt played chess in 5 years. And he beats me. I'm not quite sure what to think of this yet. But when I come to a conclusion I'll surely post it here.

Civ4 turned out to be a dissapointment, I played it for a few days and grew bored of it. Call Of Duty 2 seems a bit more fun, I played its predecssor for the entire summer of 2003,hopefully 2 will be just as fun.

Winter break starts this week, I look forward to the jolly family time, a new years party with my friends and illegal substances. Also A LAN type deal with a close cousin who I havent spent time with in a month or so. That will turn out fun,it always does. Also payday this week, hopefully I'll have enough(money)to keep me drunk through St.Patricks day..

I donated 5 dollars to Wiki today! Im so thoughtful and giving. I sure did help alot of people in the world. Surly im not a narcissist!

Im just about out mis-spelled jargon to throw on this lame excuse of a friend,Cya

email me at tard.james@gmail.com if youre a narcissist like me!


Im outside of your room with my radio...or something?


I am hella tired. I went watched King Kong with some friends tonight which was alright. I was trying to party but ended up coming home instead.

I purchased a new 5.0 megapixel digital camera this past week,now I can take awesome photos of shit and blog them. Woot.

Not much to talk about tonight,just sittin back and killing time.

Its 2 am now and im pretty tired.

If you think i'm sexy write to me at tard.james@gmail.com


Saturday, December 17, 2005

Star Wars Quotes!

Never doubt what you have done. All of your decisions have brought you to where you are today

with that being said I no longer care that I caused that horrific bus accident that left 50 people dead.

bed time


Thursday, December 15, 2005

Hydrogenated Oil

Hello again my faithful.

I am at the newspaper layout meeting. I am supposed to be editing Sally May's article but im not. The next edition of RL Times is going to rawk! After Amys car accident yesterday we are finally meeting to get things done. blah, Brain fart.

email me at tard.james@gmail if you want a copy of the RL Times, A RLHS student publication, free of charge, edited by me, blessed by god. oh shit here comes amy


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I dont wanna go it alone


U2 is a great band,I like em alot. It was payday today so I finally purchased a new game. Civ4 looks fun, a real time killer yanno? I dont know I keep asking questions to in this blog deal-io. Tonight whats left of my family went had dinner at the great wall. Despite me being deathly ill I managed to keep down a few food items. On the drive down to Bemidji the subject came up of School. They asked how I was doing,I lied to them and told them I was doing fine. They asked how I liked it,I sort of lied to them and said Im enjoying it, I just wish there were some way to not have to deal with the crappy politics of school at RLHS and just go there. Maybe I just dont like it because Im so fucking lazy? Oh well,I blame society for what ever's wrong with me. Everyone else does.

School was interesting today, I was hyped for the news paper meeting today..hell I even made it to school by 8:15 to find out the teacher is MIA. The class was worried that she lost control of her car,crashed and turned into a giant fireball so I called her and left her 45 messages about nothing. I left after realizing that it was pointless to be there. When I got home I got a front row seat to two of my older siblings arguing,pushing and shoving. I figured I'd rather be at school then put up with their shit. Plus I had to ask Mr.Brown questions about income tax and consititutional law. I skipped the rest of the day in his class untill 5th hour when I was called for a student goverment meeting. We didnt accomplish much,but set a few dates for future events which sound like they will do some good for the community. 6th hour wasnt a drag like it usually is,we discussed news stories that would do the RL Times(which im editor in chief of,new issue in a week or so,contact me if you want a copy its going to be Rawkish!) some good. We talked about how backwards the admin of our district is and other incriminating topics which shall not be discussed here.

I think I may have offended one of my favorite teachers in my last post so here I shall redeem myself and kiss a little ass.

Amy Ensign is my 1st hour Journalism teacher. She is funny,nice and beautiful. You can hear her laugh from 10 miles away. She is very dedicated to what she does and has every bit of my respect. This past spring Amy was student teaching here in Red Lake when the events of 3/21 unfolded. She was not paid a dime for the time she spent. And she came back.The world needs more people like her and less people like me. She is the type of person that sets high goals and reaches them no matter what.

My teacher of the year award goes to Amy,because she doesnt suck like the rest of my teachers.

here is Amy on the left with some chick I dont know

Rawk on.

Incase the chick who's site I raped and pillaged for pictures gets mad,Ill give you a shout.

Does anyone know if plagerism laws apply to the internet?


woot,now I wont get sued.

For an editor of a newspaper I sure to murder the english language. English was hardly rarely never my strong point. Is that a triple negative. does that mean it still holds its intent of being engish was never my strong point?

Look at it this way, If a double negative makes it a positive, does that extra negative make it a positive again? Holy shit I think I just made a law of english.

Anyways, I have 1 year,8 months,2 days,1 hour,35 mins and 35 seconds untill I am 18 years old. I am so bored, I need a bad habbit like Heroin or Alcoholism. I almost forgot, I have civ4.

I love you blog.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Ohhh yeah

The Deepest Blues Are Back!


For some reason I cant quit smiling, Im strangly happy for a tuesday afternoon. Its a bit freaky actually. Maybe its because I fixed my computer? Maybe its because my adversaries are being humiliated? Maybe its because I wrote about 3 pages of thoughts yesterday and mailed them to my cousin and saying things I needed to say to certain people. Who knows, I sure dont.

School is boring like always. The teachers are dull,boring,crabby,hateful,annoying,stupid,uptight pricks and complete bitches. I think I have a word for every hour of the day,oh joy. Maybe I can find some sort of online highschool that gives me more time to research and gain knowledge about things I care about. I guess I can put up with the bullshit a few more months. I know my senior year im out of here. I returned to RLHS to be with my friends,help em through things if need be. What a humanitarian I am,eh? Can you guess? Yep,a mistake made by me.

Apathy is the word used by the teachers to describe my current state..

One entry found for apathy.

Main Entry: ap·a·thy
Pronunciation: 'a-p&-thE
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek apatheia, from apathEs without feeling, from a- + pathos emotion -- more at PATHOS
1 : lack of feeling or emotion : IMPASSIVENESS
2 : lack of interest or concern : INDIFFERENCE

Yeah,apathy is the word.

Darth Kreia of the star wars books once said Apathy is death,but so is everything else. Yanno?

As far as anything else, nothing else is happening. A few meetings that will accomplish nothing are to be held this week. Hopefully the newspaper layout meeting will give me some much needed enthusiasm. Who knows.

Today will bring nothing new,so im going play counter-strike.
