
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. -George Orwell

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I'm so sick :(

Hello again reader, I am very sick. Very,very sick.

Since Thursday night when I recieved my first kiss from my Girl(who had a cold) I have been coughing ever since. I missed two days of school due to my cold, I spose thats a good thing because school is lame. It's been awhile since my last post,sorry to keep you waiting for so long. I know my blog is so very interesting and my words are so very captivating..yeah right :)

Today I travvled 30 miles through white out conditions to see the Red Lake Warriors get owned by the Clearbrook-Gonvick bears. I drove Tom Barretts car down which has no breaks and bald tires. Needless to say I drove at least 20 mph all the way there. It was fun, I talked to Jody from the archives and Terry Collins from the Star Tribune. The game proved to be fruitless for the players and was seemingly dully for most of the spectators. But it was fun nonetheless.

The newspaper which I manage is due out by next Tuesday, If you live in the Red Lake area I'm sure you have seen the first two issues(which rocked by the way) around town. Look for it in your mailboxes in the coming week, but If you want a copy mailed to you, send me an email with your named and address and I'll get you one before they're all gone. RL Times is a publication of the students of Red Lake High School.

As most of you are aware, tribal election season 2006 is fast approaching. Of course this means mud slinging to the max, backstabbing,political favors and vote buying. I'm hoping to interview all the candidates. Of course I'll be as tough as can be with questions such as: "what have you done for the youth during your last term" for the incumbents and "What are your plans to change the current state of the tribe,and how will you perform your plan to make it work". I'd ask the more senior council members questions such as "during your so many years as tribal rep. what have you done to help the youth in their struggle against drug addiction, and what are your plans to increase the number of well paying jobs on the reservation". It will prove to be an interesting year, Will Chairman Jourdain be elected to his first full term? will Treasurer Seki hold on to his seat? A year or so ago I asked Sec. Roy if she plans to run in the 06 elections to which she replied "no". If she still plans to call it quits this year, the council will change dramatically. A powerfull position held by an even more powerful lady, what an event it will be in the election of a new secretary.

In other news, I've decided that I need to stay on top of my school work this quarter so it doesnt end up like the last..which was hectic and riddled with bomb threats at the end of the quarter that totally fucked me up.

If you have any spare time check out http://www.rlnn.com/phpbullitenbrd/ for some insightful community oriented dialogue, but beware it may get a bit heated at times.

I am tired,


Friday, January 27, 2006

Oh the Hypocrisy!

I was reading through the NY Times older articles and I have found This

It seems we outsource our detainees that need to be tortured..Arent we at war because nations do this to their citizens? The United States needs to get off of her High Horse and start living up to our standards we pin on the rest of the world



Thursday, January 26, 2006

A firestorm

Hey, After being informed of my blogs recent circulation amongst the tribal council my parents and I feel it is nessecary to apologize for my overly harsh words.

anyways I have to get to work,


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I am so tired


I have been so damn tired lately. Quarter finals have once again come and this has drained me completely. I get up at 6 am, shower,eat,off to school by 830, school, work till 630,come home,eat,homework till 10,study till 11 then just relax..so very hectic. Right now I am exhausted. My brother Mike leaves for USMC boot camp on Friday morning. Hopefully this will do him good. Please excuse the lack of posts in the past week. I have no time what so ever, and when I do I am exhausted. I'm going fall into my bed now..yay...bed..

That would rock If I just die tonight. Then I wouldnt have to do any more homework.
I like hawthorne heights...does this make me emo?

I'll update soon when I am not dying.


Thursday, January 12, 2006

You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?

People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall"
You thought they were all kiddin' you

I Love Bob Dylan, I really do. I thought my left wall was looking a bit bare so I ordered 2 Bob dylan posters today, one of him playing his bass and harmonica and another of him with Johhny Cash on stage. It will be the highlight of my room! I downloaded the Bob Dylan documentary a few weeks back and I am just now getting to watch it, I guess I've been pretty busy.

I cant wait for payday, I am going to buy the full version of PSP: X and make Julie teach me how to use it. I downloaded Photoshop CS2 but I dont care for it much. There is only a few more months left of school, There is nothing left to look forward to with the passing of christmas break, Yeah sure theres prom but thats nothing. Each day is one day less I have to endure. Having my own radio show will help pass the time, I signed up for Mass.Com second semester hour 2. I'll be sure to post the website/radio station info as soon as we get it up and running. If you want to be a guest on the show just drop me a line, I'll be sure to think of a cool topic that we can discuss. The shows lined up for the first 3 shows are

  1. Emilio Mendoza will be on to talk about being one of the few spanish students in RLHS
  2. Tom Barrett will be on to talk about the mis-representation of Jocks in mainstream media
  3. God will be on to talk about his new job as a record salesman at F.Y.E
I am hoping I can get people like Chairman Jourdain,Principal Dunshee,Bob Dylan, Rezdawg and other high profile members of the tribe in for the show. It's going to be great!

I am bored


Comments = on

A few people have been telling me to enable comments on my blog and I have decided to do it. Go to it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I realized that all the cool blogs have intro posts by the bloggers. I have decided that being mainstream pays off in the long and I will make a post about me.

Hello, My name is James William King Jr. I am 16 years of age. I was born some time in August in Red Lake, Minnesota to James William King Sr. and Rebbecca Sue Jourdain. I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters. I am more or less the middle child,so I always get the bad end of everything. All of my life I have been a lazy kid. I'll take the way out that requires the least amount of work, I enjoy long walks to the kitchen for food, and trips to the bathroom to excrete that food. I enjoy all types of music, mainly folk rock. The number one inspiration in my life are my parents. They're not always the best parents, but they try and they do a good job of being parents. I give them a B+.

I have 3 close friends and 2 closer family members. You'll very rarely see me anywhere without these guys. My friends are Thomas Barrett, Emilio Mendoza and Terrance Kingbird. Terrance is short and has a big head,he is funny. My two family members are my cousins Clayton Smith and Louis Jourdain. Growing up would of been...pointless without these guys. The two most important things in life are family and friends. Not money,not your job,not your car. Not even me. Tom and Emilio are 2 of the smartest guys I know, since we were little noobers in 6th grade I have always wanted to be smarter than tom. Sometimes I am,sometimes not. I have always wanted facial hair like Emilio, He was growing a stache' in 5th grade which I think is a bit creepy. They [Tom and Emilio] have always pushed me to push myself beyond what I thought I was capable of. Yeah..they rock. Terrance is funny. Clayton and Louis have always been there for me. No matter what the situation. When things were bad, they were there. When we lost Janelle they were there. I could not ask for better companions than what I have now.

I am a conservative democrat. I am very liberal on social issues such as gay rights and abortion while I tend to be very conservative on fiscal issues. I have a general dislike of all organized religion, especially people like Pat Robertson. The idea of God is sort of creepy to me. I was baptized a catholic in the year 2000, I'm sure it is something I will regret for a while to come. I do believe in a supreme being, just not the bibles variation of God. Plus I'm too lazy to practice any type of religious faith.

I am the chairman of the Red Lake Nation Youth Council,Editor-in-chief of RL Times, Co-President of the RLHS Student Council and leader of my own street gang, the "West End RydaZ". There are currently no other members in my gang,but were growing. Our color is teal. I hope Mr.Dunshee doesn't read this and spit all over me while trying to convince himself he knows what is best for the students at RLHS. I am a strict Constitutional Constructionist. I believe the federal government should only work to offer what it promises in the constitution, not search my library records because some brown guy in the middle east is saying death to America. Life,Liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Not taking all of my damn tax money to pay for those who refuse to work. My body,my time spent, my money. I'm greedy..so what?

I live on an Indian reservation in northern Minnesota named "The Red Lake Nation Of Ojibwe Indians''. Its basically where the guv'ment put all of us brown people so we would stay out of white culture way back in the day. Sometimes I want to be a million miles away from here, sometimes I want to be nowhere but here. There is nothing to do most of the time here, although the Youth Council is working on changing that. Our Tribal council is full of nothing but power hungry,money hungry members who are out for nothing but their own agendas and to get their family members Jobs.

I've always dreamed of being on the Tribal Council, I feel the tribal constitution needs reworking in the way of limiting the power of the executive branch and giving more power to the judiciary. The reservation would be a better place if only we had an effective court system. With the recent firing of second police chief in 4 months, I doubt this will happen in my youth. Just more problems my parents generation left for mine to fix..or make worse.

I have covered my religious values,my political beliefs,my dream(s), my hometown and my credentials. If you have any questions feel free to email me at tard.james@gmail.com

Yep, there is me.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

And that was the day me and bob dylan did shots of Jack..

So tired. So so tired today. I was up late blogging lastnight and didnt get to sleep till about 2:00 am which totally ruined my day. I was tired allll through the day,not even enough energy to tell my same washed up lame jokes. Tonight I decided to blog earlier so I wont be up so late.

After much consideration I have decided to drop my first hour Journalism class. According to Rose Brown at the highschool I changeup would benifit me in my class schedule. The change has completely altered my day which she says will make provide me with ambition. I dont know what the hell she was talking about so I decided to stop listening as soon as she started talking. I have to meet with her again tomorrow..maybe I'll listen this time?

Once I get my updated schedule I shall a photocopy so you my faithful can catch a glimpse of what my day is truly like. I had to meet with the 3/21/05 committe today which I found to be interesting. There are no youth on this committe,nor any teachers affected by the events of 3/21/05. Weird huh? Why do I only complain? Who can I blame for this? A youth council meeting tomorrow after school to discuss 3/21/06 will be held in the tribal HQ. I have to chair this meeting and Im pretty excited about it. I hope we can come to some agreement so I have one less thing to worry about in the next few months. I am failing 3 of my 7 classes at this moment so of course this requires my full attention. With 2 weeks left in the semester can Jimbo pull it off and remain on student council with good grades? Probably. He always does.

Lastnight the chairman loaned me some discs about self empowerment,winning arguments and a bunch of random shit from some famous lawyer. In there this lawyer spoke of an incident where Dennis Rodman was being harrased during a basketball game for his funky style. During a basketball game Dennis was guarding some big white Center dude for the supersonics, during the game the Center was calling Rodman hurtful names like faggot,cocksucker,sodomite and freak. At one point the sonicks Center asked Rodman if he was going to " Take it up the ass in the showers". Dennis being cool-headed simply replied "why you looking for someone to?". The center was furious, swinging at Rodman,throwing objects. After it was said and done the Bulls came out on top and won the NBA championship. After the game a was interviewing Rodman and said "It's obvious what he[the center for the soncis] was trying to do,he was trying to make you lose your focus and get you mad''. To this Rodman replied " Noone gets Dennis Rodman mad but Dennis Rodman!. Noone holds that power over me unless I give that power to them and allow them to abuse it. When Rodman wants to get mad,he gets mad. But ONLY by his accord. Not noone elses!" When you think about it,it really is true. Noone holds the power over you to make you mad,only you do UNLESS you give them that power. Makes perfect sense. Theres a moral somewhere..Im just not sure what it is.

My night is nearly over, just a few more Bob Dylan songs to listen to then im off to bed. I have things to do tomorrow.


One last thing before I sleep..

I'll pay $20 to the reader who finds me a suitable girlfriend. I'm getting bored.

Ciao again

*makes a post in his blog*

Hello, Its been awhile.

How goes it yall? I've been pretty good. Over the weekend I travelled 500 miles to the state capitol of St.Paul to visit my incarcerated cousin Louis. It was the most fun I've had in a long while and it was quite relaxicating. We spoke quite a bit about the school shooting, family, and just life for both of us in general. He is to be relased very soon and when he is I will more than likely relocate to his area. While down there I realized how very very lonley I am when I do not have a computer, thus I am investing in a new laptop so I shall never be unconnected with the outside world. I win.

I got a good politics lesson from the tribal chair Floyd Jourdain, he spoke of his first thoughts about campaiging for office, his reaction to his sons arrest, his views of tribal political hawks and tribal businesses. I learned very much in my talks with him. Maybe he was just putting on a good show so I'll support him next election that is to be held in May 06', Or he was really trying to teach me something. Eitherway I'm greatful.

Remember after the shooting happend and I told everyone Louis was innocent? Yep, I was right. Shame on the people who want to see him locked up for political gain. Shame in its highest form.

Chris Dunshee is an idiot. He's an idiot who needs to get the fuck out of our school. The man does nothing but hurt childern and drive way great teachers. He has the nerve to punish family members of mine for supporting Louis Jourdain,drawing louis,speaking arabic and drawing various types of pictures. Ya know what thats called? Descrimination! Hopefully at the next school board meeting it will result in him being fired or forced to resign. He wore out his welcome when he said,and I quote, "Tradition teaches the childern nothing". That there should have earned him his pink slip. Same goes for Stewie,the man who hides from students in his office,rarely venturing out of his complex. Over the summer he too said Tradition should have no place in our school system. What are these guys thinking? I can understand a white guy saying that...but our own native blood. It's time to clean house from the top on down to our crackhead security guards.The system at Red Lake is a joke,but I love it dearly.

Anyways enough of my harping, I'm off to bed as I have a date with Ms. Ensign in first hour tomorrow. Yay School!
